Previous Recipients by Year
- All District Reads
- Beegins With You
- Blakey Weaver Counseling Center
- The Bridge Ministry
- Build Forward Foundation
- Chesapeake Bay Academy
- CHKD Mental Health Program
- College Orientation Workshop
- Friends of Foster Care
- Grazn Acres Therapeutic Riding Center
- Hope for Suffolk
- Impact Living Services
- New Vision Youth Services
- Organic Roots Academy
- Portsmouth Catholic Regional School
- Saving Our Youth VA
- St. Joseph’s Indian School
- Suffolk Foundation
- The Up Center
- Tidewater Friends of Foster Care
- Wayne Theater Alliance
- Western Tidewater Free Clinic
- WHRO Public Media
- YESUSA Transformational Cities
- All District Reads
- Chesapeake Bay Academy
- CHKD Mental Health Program
- College Orientation Workshop
- ForKids
- Organic Roots Academy
- Safe House Project
- Samara Family
- Suffolk Foundation
- Suffolk Center For Cultural Arts
- Suffolk Rotary
- The Up Center
- Tidewater Friends of Foster Care
- Visually Impaired Preschool Services
- Western Tidewater Free Clinic
- WHRO Public Media
- Suffolk Foundation Scholarship (for a Suffolk Student with learning differences to attend school for a degree or certification)
- Suffolk Foundation Next Step Campaign and Annual Giving Campaign
- Suffolk Public Schools Scholarship (for a student who wants to take STEM college courses while in high school)
- Chesapeake Bay Academy (Capital Campaign, Annual Campaign, Annual Auction)
- WHRO Public Broadcasting (Hunter B. Andrews Society)
- Eastern Virginia Medical School Foundation Scholarship (for a student with learning differences in the Art Therapy and Counseling Master’s Program)
- The Suffolk Foundation’s Women’s Impact Fund
- Suffolk Foundation (WIF Holiday Award Ceremony)
- Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts (event sponsorship for scholarship funds)
- Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters (Lighting the way Initiative for Mental Health Building)
- All District Reads (operating expenses and staff training)
- Suffolk Foundation (Harrison Donor Advised Fund and Anna Whitley Memorial Fund)
- Suffolk Rotary
- Healthy Suffolk (Community Gardens Campaign)
- College Orientation Workshop (Ropert E. Stephens Memorial Scholarship)
- Nansemond Suffolk Academy (Kaden Jones Scholarship)
- Haven of Rest Ministries – Akron, Ohio (on behalf of Gemini Media)
- Ronald McDonald House – NE, Ohio (on behalf of Gemini Media)
2022 Educational Grants for At-Risk Students were Awarded To:
- Riverviews Artspace
- Western Tidewater Free Clinic
- St. Joseph’s Indian School
- Governor’s School for the Arts
- James Madison University – Gus Bus
2022 Early Childhood Education Grants were Awarded To:
- Suffolk Foundation Scholarship (for a Suffolk Student with learning differences to attend school for a degree or certification)
- Suffolk Foundation Next Step Campaign and Annual Giving Campaign
- Suffolk Public Schools Scholarship (for a student who wants to take STEM college courses while in high school)
- Chesapeake Bay Academy (Capital Campaign, Annual Campaign, Annual Auction)
- WHRO Public Broadcasting (Hunter B. Andrews Society)
- Eastern Virginia Medical School Foundation Scholarship (for a student with learning differences in the Art Therapy and Counseling Master’s Program)
- The Suffolk Foundation’s Women’s Impact Fund
- Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts (event sponsorship for scholarship funds)
- Suffolk Family YMCA (eLearning Academy)
- Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters (Lighting the way Initiative for Mental Health Building)
2021 Educational Grants for At-Risk Students were Awarded To:
- Nansemond River Preservation Alliance
- Riverviews Artspace
- Seton Youth Shelters
- Western Tidewater Free Clinic
- St. Joseph’s Indian School
2021 Early Childhood Education Grants were Awarded To:
- Suffolk Foundation Scholarship (for a Suffolk Student with learning differences to attend school for a degree or certification)
- Suffolk Foundation Grant (for ForKids-Suffolk educational programs for homeless individuals)
- Suffolk Foundation Next Step Campaign and Annual Giving Campaign
- Suffolk Public Schools Scholarship (for a student who wants to take STEM college courses while in high school)
- Chesapeake Bay Academy (Capital Campaign, Annual Campaign, Annual Auction)
- WHRO Public Broadcasting (Hunter B. Andrews Society)
- Eastern Virginia Medical School Foundation Scholarship (for a student with learning differences in the Art Therapy and Counseling Master’s Program)
- The Suffolk Foundation’s Women’s Impact Fund
- Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts (event sponsorship for scholarship funds)
- Envision Lead Grow (event sponsorship for scholarship funds)
- Healthy Suffolk (Spring and Fall Gardens to Grow Project, Birthday Campaign,Sustainable Food Pantry Program for Covid response)
- St. Joseph’s Indian School (Children-at-Home Fund due to Covid school closing)
- Suffolk Christian Fellowship Center (Food Bank Van)
- Suffolk Cheer Fund (Christmas Toy Purchase Program)
- Victoria Price Scholarship Fund (Memorial Donation)
- Suffolk Empowerment Foundation (Covid Rent Assistance)
- Western Tidewater Free Clinic (Covid fight support)
2020 Educational Grants Were Awarded To:
- Young Audiences of Virginia (YAV)
- Western Tidewater Free Clinic
- Saint Joseph’s Indian School
- Suffolk Art League
- Nauticus Foundation
- Virginia Symphony Orchestra
2020 Early Childhood Education Grants Were Awarded To:
- Suffolk Foundation Scholarship (for a Suffolk Student with learning differences to attend school for a degree or certification)
- Suffolk Foundation Grant (for ForKids-Suffolk educational programs for homeless individuals)
- Suffolk Foundation Next Step Campaign and Annual Giving Campaign
- Suffolk Public Schools Scholarship (for a student who wants to take STEM college courses while in high school)
- Chesapeake Bay Academy (Teacher Education, Student Financial Aid, Capital Campaign, Annual Campaign, Fun Run)
- WHRO Public Broadcasting (educational broadcasting, Hunter B. Andrews Society)
- Eastern Virginia Medical School Foundation Scholarship (for a student with learning differences in the Art Therapy and Counseling Master’s Program)
- ODU Foundation (Women’s Initiative Network and Bridge the Gap)
- Virginia Wesleyan University (Annual Scholarships)
- The Suffolk Foundation’s Women’s Impact Fund
- College Orientation Workshop (for at-risk young men to learn about a positive future)
2019 Educational Grants Were Awarded To:
- Seton Youth Shelters
- Western Tidewater Free Clinic
- Saint Joseph’s Indian School
- The Children’s Center
- Thomas Nelson Community College
- Governor’s School for the Arts
- Seton Youth Shelters
- Suffolk Art League
- Nauticus Foundation
2019 Early Childhood Education Grants Were Awarded To:
- Young Audiences of Virginia
- Sandler Center Foundation
- The UP Center
- CHIP of South Hampton Roads
Previous Years
Suffolk Foundation Scholarship (for a Suffolk Student with learning differences to attend school for a degree or certification)
Suffolk Foundation Scholarship (for a ForKids student who experienced homelessness to go for a degree or certification)
Suffolk Foundation Next Step Campaign and Annual Giving
Suffolk Public Schools Scholarship (for a student who wants to take STEM college courses while in high school)
Chesapeake Bay Academy (Teacher Education, Student Financial Aid, Capital Campaign, Annual Campaign)
Ronald McDonald House at Johns Hopkins (Classroom)
WHRO Public Broadcasting (educational broadcasting, Hunter B. Andrews Society)
Eastern Virginia Medical School Foundation Scholarship (for a student with learning differences in the Art Therapy and Counseling Master’s Program)
ODU Foundation (Women’s Initiative Network and Bridge the Gap)
Virginia Wesleyan University (Annual Scholarships)
Comfort Crew (for assisting children who’ve lost a loved one in the military)
College Orientation Workshop (for at-risk young men to learn about a positive future)
Seton Youth Shelters
Western Tidewater Free Clinic
Saint Joseph’s Indian School
The Children’s Center
Tidewater Academy Scholarship Fund
Suffolk Foundation Scholarship (for a Suffolk Student with learning differences to attend school for a degree or certification)
Suffolk Foundation Scholarship (for a ForKids student who experienced homelessness to go for a degree or certification)
Suffolk Foundation Next Step Campaign and Annual Giving
Suffolk Public Schools Scholarship (for a student who wants to take STEM college courses while in high school)
Chesapeake Bay Academy (Teacher Education, Student Financial Aid, Capital Campaign, Annual Campaign)
Chesapeake Bay Academy (Capital Campaign)
Ronald McDonald House at Johns Hopkins (Classroom)
WHRO Public Broadcasting (educational broadcasting, Hunter B. Andrews Society)
Eastern Virginia Medical School Foundation Scholarship (for a student with learning differences in the Art Therapy and Counseling Master’s Program)
St. Joseph’s Indian School
The Up Center
Virginia Wesleyan College
College Orientation Workshop
Western Tidewater Free Clinic
Vanguard Landing
Tidewater Wooden Boat Workshop
Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities
Walk In It, Inc.
Peninsula Reads
Life Enrichment Center of Norfolk
Healthy Suffolk
Operation Winter Coat
ODU Foundation (Women’s Initiative Network and Bridge the Gap)
Suffolk Foundation Scholarship (for a Suffolk Student with learning differences to attend school for a degree or certification)
Suffolk Public Schools Scholarship (for a student who wants to take STEM college courses while in high school)
Suffolk Foundation Scholarship (for a ForKids student who experienced homelessness to go for a degree or certification)
Eastern Virginia Medical School Foundation Scholarship (for a student with learning differences in the Art Therapy and Counseling Master’s Program)
The Up Center
Western Tidewater Free Clinic
Suffolk Foundation Next Step Campaign and Annual Giving
ForKids (Fighting Poverty and Homelessness)
Virginia STEAM Academy (Scholarships for two students to go to camp to study Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)
United Way (Directed to Computer Lab for Thurgood Marshall Elementary School through Life Enrichment Center)
Scholarship Sharing (Support of annual informational presentation)
Chesapeake Bay Academy (Friendship Bench, Capital Campaign, Fun Run)
Women’s Initiative Network (Old Dominion University Scholarship Support)
Little Neck Circle of the King’s Daughters (Directed to the Barry Robinson Center)
Healthy Suffolk (Teaching Healthy Eating and Gardening practices)
Operation Winter Coats (Carolyn McCartney’s efforts to give winter coats to hundreds of children)
Ronald McDonald House at Johns Hopkins Hospital (Classroom)
WHRO Public Broadcasting (educational broadcasting)
Virginia STEAM Academy (for exceptional students in STEM fields)
Chesapeake Bay Academy Fund-A-Cause and Capital Campaign (for students with learning differences)
University of Dayton
Western Tidewater Free Clinic
ForKids (fighting homelessness)
Eastern Virginia Medical School Foundation Scholarship (for a student with learning differences in the Art Therapy and Counseling Master’s Program)
Suffolk Public Schools Scholarship (for a student who wants to take STEM college courses while in high school)
College Orientation Workshop, Inc. at Virginia Military Institute for at-risk students)
757 Angels, Inc.
Old Dominion University Women’s Initiative Network (for at-risk students)
WHRO Public Broadcasting (educational broadcasting)
Ronald McDonald House at Johns Hopkins Hospital (Classroom)
ForKids (fighting homelessness)
Chesapeake Bay Academy (for students with learning disabilities)
Suffolk Partnership for a Healthy Community
College Orientation Workshop, Inc. at Virginia Military Institute
St. Joseph’s Indian School, South Dakota
WHRO Public Broadcasting (for educational programs)
An At-Risk Student was Helped with College Costs
The Hurrah Players After School Outreach Program
Children’s Literacy of Suffolk
ForKids (fighting homelessness)
St. Joseph’s Indian School, South Dakota
Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund (JDRF)
ACCESS College Foundation
Chesapeake Bay Academy (for students with learning disabilities)
Suffolk Partnership for a Healthy Community
Women Helping Women
Little Neck Circle of the King’s Daughters
Suffolk Education Foundation
Covenant House
Chesapeake Bay Academy (for students with learning disabilities) (Fund-a-Cause, Teaching for Excellence Campaign)
ForKids (fighting homelessness)
Chesapeake Bay Academy (for students with learning disabilities) (Teaching for Excellence Campaign, Face of Promise, Titanium Sponsorship)
Gamut Theater Group for Students
Chesapeake Bay Academy (for students with learning disabilities) (Auction, Teaching for Excellence Campaign, Annual Giving Fund, Titanium Sponsorship)
Windsor Gymnastics Association
ForKids (fighting homelessness)
St. Joseph’s Indian School, South Dakota
Gamut Theater Group For Students
Suffolk Inner City Athletic Association
ForKids (fighting homelessness)
Governor’s School for the Arts
Chesapeake Bay Academy (for students with learning disabilities) (Teaching for Excellence campaign, Computer Lab)
Windsor Gymnastics Association
Chesapeake Bay Academy (for students with learning disabilities) (Teaching Excellence Campaign, Annual Giving Fund, Art Auction)
Windsor Gymnastice Association
Paul Newman’s Hole in the Wall Gang Camps
ForKids (Art Auction and 20th Anniversary Fundraiser)
Relay for Life-Oakland Christian Church Team
Junior Acheivement of Greater Hampton Roads
Rhythm of Ireland Booster Club
Ocean Tumblers
ALS Association
Tri-County Animal Shelter
Hampton Roads Youth Center
Chesapeake Bay Academy (Teaching for Excellence Campaign, Prom, Auction, Annual Giving Fund)
Ocean Tumblers
Samaritan House
Nansemond Suffolk Academy
Hampton Roads Youth Center
The Bridge United Methodist Church
Ocean Tumblers
Chrysler Museum-Education Program (designed by the Haddad Foundation)
Chesapeake Bay Academy (for students with learning disabilities) (C.U.S.P. Program and Annual Giving Fund)
Nansemond Suffolk Academy (Tuition for One At-Risk Student)
Ocean Tumblers
Hampton Roads Youth Center
The Bridge United Methodist Church
Nansemond Suffolk Academy (Software Program for LD Readers & Tuition for One At-Risk Student)
National Conference for Community and Justice
Physicians for Peace Intern Program (designed by the Haddad Foundation)
Obici Hospital
Ocean Tumblers
Hampton Roads Youth Center
St. Joseph’s Indian School, South Dakota
American Cancer Society
Orphan Network
Bull City Aquatics
Hampton Roads Youth Center
Orphan Network
Hampton Roads Youth Center
Operation Smile
St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
Nansemond Suffolk Academy
Sandy Dodd Fund
Chesapeake Health Foundation